Yesterday, we had a book club discussion on the Martian. I learned a lot from that discussion. One thing I learned is that sometimes I do not use a lot of eye contact. I feel that if I had used more eye contact overall, it would have been better for the discussion. Also, I noticed that we did not ask a lot of big questions. If we asked more big questions, we could have invited more people into the discussion and it would have made it more lively. This would have given us more to talk about. Another thing we could have done was speak up. Some of our voices did not reach the microphone. With some editing, we fixed this volume problem.
We also did some things really well. For example, we used page numbers to keep each other engaged. This helps the reader follow along in the book. We also asked small questions so that everyone stayed engaged. We came up with a plan before the discussion to make the discussion orderly. This worked and made the fifteen minutes of our book club discussion very productive.
Annotating and viewing the video really help me improve and reflect on the video. We had to write in improvements and things we did well. This made me critically analyze the discussion. Also, editing the video had me review the information we discussed. When editing the video, I noticed things I could have done better. This was definitely helpful. Overall, I really liked editing the video.
I also noticed a few things about my performance. For one thing, I asked open ended questions, inviting people to reply. I could have made more eye contact and asked big questions. Next time I will make a point of making more eye contact and asking big questions. I will also ask critical questions about the main character.